gnu-efi is a lightweight UEFI developing environment, compared to edk2, that makes me not too nervous when playing around.
LVGL 9 has (and always do) made incompatible changes, with detailed document(LVGL Porting) and easier API, so I tried with the help from edk2 world.
git submodule add gnu-efi gnu-efi
git submodule add lvgl lvgl
Makefile can be borrowed from gnu-efi/apps/Makefile, add a test target:
Be noticed of the dependencies on Qemu and OVMF.
Copy lvgl/lv_conf_template.h to lv_conf.h, and change the beginning switch "#if 0" into "#if 1", then set LV_COLOR_DEPTH to 32, for we want a colorful GUI. That's all for this file.
In LVGL 9, we simply create a display, set buffer and flush callback, that's all. You may take 1280x800 as screen resolution when testing with Qemu.
Let's look at this useless masterpiece:
For current code, refer to